Algebra Balance Scales – Solve simple linear equations using a balance beam representation. |
Algebra Balance Scales - Negatives – Solve simple linear equations using a balance beam representation. |
Algebra Tiles – Visualize multiplying and factoring algebraic expressions using tiles. |
Base Blocks – Illustrate addition and subtraction in a variety of bases. |
Block Patterns – Analyze sequences of figures using pictures, tables, plots, and graphs. |
Coin Problem – Use deduction to find the counterfeit coin. |
Fifteen Puzzle – Solve this virtual version of the classical fifteen puzzle by arranging its tiles. |
Function Machine – Explore the concept of functions by putting values into this machine and observing its output. |
Function Transformations – Explore how simple transformations affect the graph of a function. |
Grapher – A tool for graphing and exploring functions. |
Line Plotter – Practice drawing lines through a given point having a specified slope. |
Pattern Blocks – Use six common geometric shapes to build patterns and solve problems. |
Peg Puzzle – Win this game by moving the pegs on the left past the pegs on the right. |
Pentominoes – Use the 12 pentomino combinations to solve problems. |
Point Plotter – Practice plotting ordered pairs on a graph. |
Polyominoes – Build and compare characteristics of biominoes, triominoes, quadrominoes, etc. |
Stick or Switch – Investigate probabilities of sticking with a decision, or switching. |
Towers of Hanoi – Solve the tower problem and test your theory by varying the number of disks. |