Platonic Solids - Duals

The dual of a Platonic solid is another solid inside the first. The vertices of the inner (dual) Platonic solid are the center points of each of the surfaces of the outer Platonic solid.

Using this virtual manipulative you may:

Rotate the Platonic solids

Move the cursor by clicking and dragging anywhere in the workspace.

Change the outer Platonic solid displayed

Choose any one of the Platonic solids from the list.

Change the way the solid is displayed

Choose one of the following options:

Option Description
Filled solid Show the solid version of the outer Platonic solid.
Wire frame solid Show the wire frame version of the outer Platonic solid.
Filled dual Show the solid version of the inner Platonic dual inside the wire frame version of the outer solid.
Wire frame dual Show the wire frame versions of both outer and inner solids.

Change colors

Click one of the color buttons below the workspace. When filled versions of the Platonic solids are displayed, their surfaces will be drawn using the specified color.

Change size

Click and drag the vertical slider to resize the solids.