Abacus – An electronic abacus that can be used to do arithmetic. |
Circle 0 – A puzzle involving adding positive and negative integers to sum to zero. |
Circle 21 – A puzzle involving adding positive and negative integers to sum to twenty one. |
Circle 3 – A puzzle involving adding positive real numbers to sum to three. |
Circle 99 – A puzzle involving adding positive and negative integers to sum to ninety nine. |
Conway's Game of Life – Discover the rules that determine change in these simulations. |
Counting All Pairs – Create a path that sets up a one-to-one correspondence between the counting numbers and infinite sets of ordered pairs of integers. |
Diffy – Solve an interesting puzzle involving the differences of given numbers. |
Dueling Calculators – Visualize a dramatic simulation of the effect of propagating rounding errors. |
Fibonacci Sequence – Explore the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio. |
Fractions - Adding – Illustrates what it means to find a common denominator and combine. |
Fractions - Equivalent – Illustrates relationships between equivalent fractions. |
Function Machine – Explore the concept of functions by putting values into this machine and observing its output. |
Golden Rectangle – Illustrates iterations of the Golden Section. |
Grapher – A tool for graphing and exploring functions. |
Mastermind – Use inference and logic to play a game and guess a hidden pattern of pegs. |
Number Puzzles – Solve puzzles involving arranging numbers on a diagram so that they add up to a given value. |
Pascal's Triangle – Explore patterns created by selecting elements of Pascal's triangle. |
Peg Puzzle – Win this game by moving the pegs on the left past the pegs on the right. |
Percentages – Discover relationships between fractions, percents, and decimals. |
Rational Numbers Triangle – Explore a triangular array that contains every positive rational number exactly once. |
Sieve of Eratosthenes – Relate number patterns with visual patterns. |
Tight Weave – Visualize the creation of the Sierpinski Carpet, an iterative geometric pattern that resembles a woven mat. |
Turtle Geometry – Explore numbers, shapes, and logic by programming a turtle to move. |
Venn Diagrams – Investigate common features of sets. |