Bar Chart – Create a bar chart showing quantities or percentages by labeling columns and clicking on values. |
Box Model – Randomly selects and displays draws from a box. |
Box Plot – Use this tool to summarize data using a box plot graph. |
Coin Tossing – Explore probability concepts by simulating repeated coin tosses. |
Hamlet Happens – Verify that rare events happen by drawing letters from a box. |
Histogram – Use this tool to summarize data using a histogram graph. |
Loan Calculator – Explore how to pay off a loan, and how interest affects payment. |
Pascal's Triangle – Explore patterns created by selecting elements of Pascal's triangle. |
Pie Chart – Explore percentages and fractions using pie charts. |
Savings Calculator – Explore how savings, with or without regular deposits, grow over time. |
Scatterplot – Plot multiple data points in two dimensions and determine correlation. |
Spinners – Work with spinners to learn about numbers and probabilities. |
Stick or Switch – Investigate probabilities of sticking with a decision, or switching. |
Whammy Awards – See how using different voting schemes can result in contradictory outcomes. |